Profile PictureKati Harris

LinkedIn Profile Makeover - SEO Optimised & Written By A CopyWriter.

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Let's get your LinkedIn landing page, aka profile, working for you.

I'm talking less of the confused you-focused waffle and more "I need to speak with you today!".

Because honestly, I can't let you go on like this any longer...

  • Your podcast diary is empty.
  • The only people DMing you are pushy sales reps.
  • And not a single person has messaged asking when your next offer is coming out.
  • Heck, can people even tell what you do?

It's a teeny bit embarrassing when you think of it. This free real estate of yours is sat there gathering dust.

But you know we can change that, right?

We can get your LinkedIn profile working as the free landing page that it is by;

  • Attracting the right people.
  • Selling your products for you, day and night.
  • Increasing your connections and follows (aka your free audience).
  • Getting you inbound leads from people who know they want your services.
  • Increasing the reach of your posts and comments to build your authority.
  • Getting you visible on LinkedIn and Google search results (to the right people).

Sound good? It is.

Here's how it works;

  • We chat.
  • I research (keywords n stuff).
  • I write (copy that makes your people realise they need to speak to you NOW).
  • We get your profile behaving like the lead-generating honeypot it should be.
  • You get to play with all the bonuses and worksheets I give you to kick-start your LinkedIn journey.
  • We chat again to cover your burning questions and go over edits.
  • And voila! Less of the 'I'm speaking to no one' vibes and more of 'Where have you been all my life?'.

Here's what people are saying...

Your SEO-optimised LinkedIn profile will work for you while you sleep.

The LinkedIn algorithm Gods will be busy showing your profile to the right people for free, day in, day out.

  • You'll breathe a sigh of relief when that LinkedIn headline you've been struggling with starts working for you instead of against you.
  • You'll no longer feel confused over what to say in your About section. And the best part? You don't have to write a thing.
  • You'll rest easy knowing that the words on your profile are well-researched, plus ideal client and SEO-friendly. In other words, a honey pot for business!

What's that?

"I'm too busy for this", I hear you say. Are you sure? All the clients you could ever work with are on LinkedIn.

Wouldn't it be great if they knew about you and your expertise?

This is what will happen:

  • You hit the buy button.
  • On the next page, you enter your LinkedIn URL and complete your purchase.
  • You click the link in your confirmation email to book your first session with me.

-- The magic begins! --

As soon as you've booked, you'll receive the following worksheets to help you prepare for our first call:

  • Niche guide
  • Ideal Client worksheet

In our first session:

  • I ask you a series of questions for up to 1.5 hours to help me write your new copy.
  • I give you an overview of what you'll be doing for homework.
  • You ask me questions.
  • You might even start posting using my free BONUS LinkedIn post templates!
  • After our call and over the next 7 days, I research your keywords and hashtags etc.
  • I write your copy and send you your copy plus your profile checklist. 
  • You fill in your profile with my messaging support if needed. I respond within 24 hours.
  • You tell me when your profile is complete, and within three days, I prepare your feedback.

    On our second call:

  • We then have our last call, where I give you feedback, and you ask me any questions you have about your LinkedIn profile and generally about using LinkedIn.
  • My expertise is yours for the full 45 minutes.

Why train with me?

You're a bold female leader, an expert in your field, and you're ready to share your expertise with the world in a way that works for you.

You're ready to be heard, build a meaningful community, share your wisdom, and reap the ROI you deserve from your years of training, learning and managing.

I went solo, too, many years ago, and what I teach now is the culmination of 8 years of online marketing experience; building community, leading brand development, and copywriting for influencers and marketing agencies.

My passion is sharing my knowledge with other bold female leaders so that we can empower each other and grow together.

Here's a recap of exactly what you get.

A complete overhaul of your LinkedIn profile, taking you from snoozefest central to buzzing with the right kind of attention from your ideal clients. SEO-optimised and written by a copywriter.

1st video call with me:

  • I ask you the right questions to get your profile buzzing.

Written for you:

  • SEO optimised About section.
  • Key-word rich headline that attracts your ideal clients.
  • Banner copy.
  • Audio (name pronunciation) script to help you stand out from the crowd.
  • Guidance in filling out your full profile plus messaging support within 24 hours.
  • Keyword/SEO research to use on your profile, skills, and posts.
  • Hashtag research for your profile and posts.
  • Copy for one featured section item.

And as if that wasn't enough - here's more...


  • Video instructions on how to make your profile banner and headshot stand out from the crowd using Canva.
  • Market research post templates to help you prepare for our call.
  • 5 tested post templates to get your creative juices flowing.
  • Footer for your posts, including a CTA (call to action).
  • A keyword list - to use on your profile that will attract your ideal audience - researched by me
  • A template to ask for recommendations.
  • Ideal client workbook.
  • A profile checklist.
  • Niche guide.
  • 3 days of short, sharp LinkedIn tips that changed my LinkedIn game for good and took me from lost and lonely to enjoying DMs and bookings from my ideal clients.*

I then send you video feedback with tweaks and suggestions, and we move on to...

A 2nd video call :

  • I give you feedback on your profile.
  • You pick my brains and ask me any questions based on my feedback.

Are you ready? Let's go! Grab all this insane value, and let's get those leads piling in.

The usual price is $1247

However, for a very limited time, I'm selling 2 spots at $627

*My sessions are available from 11 pm UTC to 8 am UTC.

Hang on! Why is the price so low?

Because you are one of the lucky few that get to test out my beta version with me.

What does that mean? It means that this is a new package - and to thank you for helping me test-run it, I'm giving it to you half-price.

The only difference is that when I sell this package full-price, I might make the documents look all 'jazzed-up' on Canva instead of simple text documents. And I might use some of your valuable feedback to make tweaks to the training. You're getting this for a steal!

Sound good? Great, let's get your LinkedIn profile buzzing with activity!

*By booking with me, you will receive LinkedIn brand-building tips weekly by email. If this isn't helpful to you, please unsubscribe at any time.

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You'll get a LinkedIn profile that...

Builds your influence.
Makes you more sales.
Gets more eyes on your content.
And increases your engagemnt.
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LinkedIn Profile Makeover - SEO Optimised & Written By A CopyWriter.

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