Profile PictureKati Harris

How to Write a LinkedIn About Section That Converts.

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The first steps on LinkedIn can feel tricky, like getting your profile up to scratch, so I've made a free guide, and I'm sharing it with you!

Simply follow my instructions in the guide to write a killer landing page - yes, you heard me, your LinkedIn About section is your FREE landing page, so if you're;

  • looking for more clients,
  • wanting to sell offers,
  • building a brand or business,
  • might want to find work at some point,
  • may want to build a business in the future,

This is the place to start; at the beginning, and that means creating a LinkedIn About section that converts. Use this guide to make sure your About section;

  • Gets people DMing you asking about your work.
  • Tells people exactly what value you provide.
  • Repels those you don't like working with.
  • Attracts those you love working with.
  • Tells people what their next steps are.
  • And why they need you to get them there.

What people are saying...

All you need to do is put '0' in the buy box* (because this is a FREE gift) and get started!

*If you feel like paying something, that's fine too - name your price in the buy box!

And if you're feeling generous, I'd love you to come back here to review your gift so that others know how helpful it is!

Stay awesome,

Kati Harris - your LinkedIn cheerleader

*By accepting this free gift you agree to receive LinkedIn strategies for success by email weekly.
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Step-by-step guide to get your ideal client DMing you asking for more!

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How to Write a LinkedIn About Section That Converts.

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